nob - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'nob'English
Etymology 1
* From "nobleman" or "member of the nobility" (Doubtful)
* From "white-nob" (Eighteenth century) or "white-head", referring to the powdered wigs used by those affecting upper middle-class status.
( en-noun)
(slang|chiefly|British) a wealthy or influential person; a toff
- The masses have risen up and shot all their nobs.
:: Baldrick, Blackadder Goes Forth
Etymology 2
( en-noun)
The head.
- Jack and Jill went up the hill / to fetch a pail of water; / Jack fell down and broke his crown / and Jill came tumbling after. / Up Jack got and home did trot, / as fast as he could caper, / to old Dame Dob / to mend his nob / with vinegar and brown paper.
(cribbage) a jack of the same suit as the card turned up by the dealer.
- One for his nob .
(slang) The glans penis, the sensitive bulbous structure at the end of the penis also known as the head of the penis.
To hit in the head