(dated|fandom|science fiction) A newcomer to science fiction; a fan who is extremely new and inexperienced with the genre; a beginner.
* {{quote-magazine
| year = 1950
| date = October
| first = Lee
| last = Hoffman
| authorlink =
| magazine = Quandry
| title = Chaos
| page = 5
| url =
| passage = COMING NEXT ISH: A department devoted to the BNF of tomorrow. 'Twill be the
neofan of today who is the Tucker or Laney of tomorrow. So QUANDRY, the BNZ of tomorrow, will bring you biografies(
sic) of lesser known fen.
* {{quote-book
| year = 1988
| first = Sharyn
| last = McCrumb
| authorlink = Sharyn McCrumb
| title =
| passage = I heard a couple of
neofans boasting that they were going to have breakfast with him!
* {{quote-magazine
| year = 2005
| date = June
| first = Ruth
| last = Davidson
| authorlink =
| magazine = National Fantasy Fan
| title = President's Message
| volume = 5
| issue = 2
| page = 4
| url =
| passage = Huzzah! Hopefully we'll get some fans,
neo-fans and even fanlings to join us.