lues - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'lues'English
( -)
(dated|medicine) A plague or disease, especially syphilis.
* 1819 , (Lord Byron), Don Juan , I:
- And which in ravage the more loathsome evil is— / Their real lues , or our pseudo-syphilis?
* 1983 , (Lawrence Durrell), Sebastian'', Faber & Faber 2004 (''Avignon Quintet ), p. 1031:
- There seemed to be no history of lues or any other family illness in the background.
Derived terms
* luetic
Similar to 'lues'loss, lies, las, less, les, locks, lass, loess, legs, lawks, looks, logs, lays, leaks, lows, laws, lewis, lees, lugs, lacks, lags, leys, licks, leeks, leis, loos, leas, leks, laics, lasks, lucks, loues, lawes, lesks, lias, lais, lusks, luaus, loys, liss, lweis, lowks, lyes