liker - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'liker'English
( en-noun)
One who likes.
* {{quote-news|year=2009|date=May 10|author=David Segal|title=Scammed? Rebuffed? Ignored? Read On|work=New York Times citation
|passage=Traditionally, the rebate offers a price cut to anyone willing to endure a certain amount of hassle; it’s an inducement that separates the casual bargain likers from the ardent bargain lovers. }}
Similar to 'liker'laser, lekker, liger, leger, liquor, lasher, leaser, logier, lugger, laker, lesser, loser, laager, luser, lager, locker, lessor, logger, lacker, lecher, leaker, looker, lascar, ligger, legger, looser, lazar, lexer, licker, lacer, lacier, lusher, laxer, lazier, lagger, luger, lazer, lieger, licour, leyser, lezzer, loccer