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greets - What does it mean?

Definition of 'greets'



  • (greet)
  • Noun

    (en-plural noun)
  • (demoscene) Greetings sent to other demosceners, often included in the scrolltext of a demo.
  • * 1998 , "andreww", C64 slang'' (on Internet newsgroup ''comp.emulators.cbm )
  • I was just considering the term 'lamer' (because of all these ROM D00DZ who I think of as 'emulamers') and I was wondering: is 'lamer' a term that is unique to the C64 scene? I haven't seen in used it other circles, but it sure used to crop up a hell of a lot in demos, cracktro greets , etc.
  • * 1999 , "Mickael Pointier", Oldskool'' (on Internet newsgroup '' )
  • At this time, I do not really think it was hypocrisis(SIC) to write "no greets' to", or "fucking ' greets goes to"... The immediate effect was to release some other demoes(SIC), proving you're not lame, and that you can beat your "fucker" :)


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