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giaour - What does it mean?

Definition of 'giaour'



  • (derogatory|ethnic slur) A non-Muslim, especially a Christian, an infidel; especially as used by Turkish people with particular reference to Christians such as Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Serbs and Assyrians.
  • * 1963 , :
  • We men are not a race of freebooters or giaours ; not when our argosies are prey and food to the evil fish-of-metal whose lair is a German U-boat.
  • * 2001 , :
  • I shudder in delight when I think of two-hundred-year-old books, dating back to the time of Tamerlane, volumes for which acquisitive giaours gleefully relinquish gold pieces and which they carry all the way back to their own countries.
  • * 2004', ” in ''Character Sketches Of Romance, Fiction And The Drama , volume 2, page 85:
  • Byron’s tale called The Giaour''''' is supposed to be told by a Turkish fisherman who had been employed all the day in the gulf of Ægi’na, and landed his boat at night-fall on the Piræus, now called the harbor of Port Leonê.The tale is this: Leilah, the beautiful concubine of the Caliph Hasson(sic), falls in love with a '''giaour''', flees from the seraglio, is overtaken by an emir, put to death, and cast into the sea. The ' giaour cleaves Hassan’s skull, flees for his life, and becomes a monk.


    * “ ?Giaour]” on page 172 of § 2 (G) of volume IV (F and G, ed. (Henry Bradley), 1901) of [[w:Oxford English Dictionary|A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles] (1st ed.)

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