gaywad - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'gaywad'English
( en-noun)
(slang|derogatory) Somebody who is gay (homosexual or "lame, uncool").
* 2001 , Mike Albo, Hornito: My Lie Life
- "You look like a little gaywad !" My brother Mark catches me dancing in front of the long mirror in my satin shorts in Mom's walk-in closet.
* 2004 , Richard Joseph Andreoli, Mondohomo: your essential guide to queer pop culture
- This kid also said stuff like, "Don't read that Reader's Digest version of Jaws, gaywad ! The real one has all the sex stuff!"
* 2006 , Linden Dalecki, Kid B
- Speak up, gaywad . I can't hear you.