dooced - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'dooced'English
Etymology 1
( en-adv)
(dated|dialect) Deuced.
* 1864 , Charles Dickens, All the Year Round
- Should have liked to belong to that set, only they drank so dooced hard.
* 1878 , John Byrne Leicester Warren, Salvia Richmond
- "Dooced good fishing in Blankshire," threw in Charlie Mayne.
Etymology 2
Coined in 2002 from the pseudonym of American blogger Heather Armstrong.
(internet slang) Dismissed from one's job as a result of one's actions on the Internet.
* 2007 , Erik Ringmar, A Blogger's Manifesto
- Bill Poon in California got dooced from a burger joint when he posted a picture of his boss on MySpace.
* 2007 , Laurie J Mullins, Management and Organisational Behaviour
- Careless blogging can get you dooced .
Similar to 'dooced'dogged, dickwad, doghead, dashed, dazed, decayed, dogwood, deeked, deekied, decked, dicked, ducked, deked, dozed, desked, digged, dosed, dished, diced, deiced, dissed, docked, doused, decoyed, dowsed, dewaxed, diacid, discoid, dizzied, daisied, douched, deuced, duked, dagged, discoed, doghood, dossed, deseed, disad, doughed, dagwood, dooked, doxed, dusked, doosed, decad, disked, dickwod, deaced, dased, diked, daesiid, dajid, desid, dicaeid, discid, dixid, dacked, doxxed