desart - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'desart'English
( en-noun)
* {{quote-book|year=1591|author=Edmund Spenser|title=The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=So thou both here and there immortall art, And everie where through excellent desart . }}
* {{quote-book|year=1786|author=Boswell|title=Life Of Johnson, Volume 5|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=Probably he had been thinking of the whole of the simile in Cato , of which that is the concluding line; the sandy desart had struck him so strongly. }}
* {{quote-book|year=1871|author=James Fenimore Cooper|title=Wyandotte|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=We are like people on a desart island, out here in the wilderness--and if ships won't arrive to tell us how matters come on, we must send one out to l'arn it for us. }}