corpes - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'corpes'English
*{{quote-book|year=1591|author=Edmund Spenser|title=The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=Rome is no more: but if the shade of Rome May of the bodie yeeld a seeming sight, It's like a corse drawne forth out of the tombe By magicke skill out of eternall night: The corpes of Rome in ashes is entombed, And her great spirite, reioyned to the spirite Of this great masse, is in the same enwombed; But her brave writings, which, her famous merite In spight of Time out of the dust doth reare, Doo make her idole* through the world appeare. }}
*{{quote-book|year=1566|author=William Adlington|title=The Golden Asse|chapter=|edition= citation
|passage=And he spake unto her and said, Behold here is one that will enterprise to watch the corpes of your husband this night. }}
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