cion - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'cion'English
( en-noun)
(chiefly|in botanical senses)
* 1621–1626' (published posthumously in '''1627 ): , ''Sylva Sylvarum?:?or, A Natural History?;?in ten centuries'', century V, ''Experiments in consort touching the putting back or retardation of germination , ¶?421; reprinted in:
* 1838 , The works of Lord Bacon?:?with an introductory essay, and a portrait?;?in two volumes , volume 1, page 133 (London?:?William Ball, Paternoster Row?;?stereotyped and printed by John Childs and son)
- 421.?Men have entertained a conceit that showeth prettily?;?namely, that if you graft a late-coming fruit upon a stock of a fruit-tree that cometh early, the graft will bear early?;?as a peach upon a cherry?;?and contrariwise, if an early-coming fruit upon a stock of a fruit-tree that cometh late, the graft will bear fruit late?;?as a cherry upon a peach.?But these are but imaginations, and untrue.?The cause is, for that the cion overruleth the stock quite?:?and the stock is but passive only, and giveth aliment, but no motion to the graft.
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