choss - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'choss'English
Rock that is unsuitable for rock climbing, generally due to: 1, softness, the rock will not support the weight of the climber, 2: wet and possibly unstable, that is, the possibility of large slabs falling off is unknown, 3: too much organic growth on the rocks, ie, moss or plant life.
(informal) chaos
Similar to 'choss'chess, chaos, cheeks, chaws, coss, caws, chews, cows, chucks, cuss, chugs, checks, cocks, cays, chocs, chicks, chacks, cooees, coaks, cacks, cooks, coos, cogs, cues, casks, chooks, cowies, coys, chocks, chics, cess, cigs, chks, cohos, cees, cusks, cahows, cohoes, chiaus, cags, chows, cahs, cass, chis, couis, couas, choaks, cooeys, coags, chaus, chihs, cheks, cycs