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brek - What does it mean?

Definition of 'brek'



  • (informal) breakfast
  • Verb

  • * {{quote-book|year=1897|author=William O. Stoddard|title=Crowded Out o' Crofield|chapter=|edition= citation
  • |passage="They were goin' to brek into me house, indade," said Mrs. McNamara.}}
  • * {{quote-book|year=1900|author=Paul Laurence Dunbar|title=The Strength of Gideon and Other Stories|chapter=|edition= citation
  • |passage=At a very early age his shrill voice could be heard calling in admonitory tones, caught from his mother's very lips, "You 'Nelius, don' you let me ketch you th'owin' at ol' mis' guinea-hens no mo'; you hyeah me?" or "Hi'am, you come offen de top er dat shed 'fo' you fall an' brek yo' naik all to pieces."}}
  • * {{quote-book|year=1715|author=S.R. Crockett|title=Bog-Myrtle and Peat|chapter=|edition= citation
  • |passage=If that's Gavin Stevenson, the muckle nowt, I declare I'll brek his ramshackle blunderbuss owre his thick heid."}} ----

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