borated - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'borated'English
Having been treated with borate
* {{quote-book|year=1898|title=Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898|chapter=Selected Formulae|edition= citation
|passage=An advantage of this borated oil is that it always retains a slight stickiness, and so gives a good joint when wrapped around wires, etc. }}
* {{quote-book|year=1929|author=William J. Robinson|title=Woman|chapter=|edition= citation
* {{quote-journal|2000|date=December 15|R. Hasty et al.|Strange Magnetism and the Anapole Structure of the Proton|Science citation
|passage=In the deuterium experiment, the hydrogen target was replaced with deuterium, and borated polyethylene shielding was installed around the target
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