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agrostis - What does it mean?

Definition of 'agrostis'


(wikipedia) (wikispecies)


  • Any grass of the genus Agrostis, bentgrass.
  • * {{quote-book|year=1891|author=Katharine Prescott Wormeley|title=The Lily of the Valley|chapter=|edition=|by= citation
  • |passage=Above, see those delicate threads of the purple amoret, with its flood of anthers that are nearly yellow; the snowy pyramids of the meadow-sweet, the green tresses of the wild oats, the slender plumes of the agrostis , which we call wind-ear; roseate hopes, decking love's earliest dream and standing forth against the gray surroundings. }}
  • * {{quote-book|year=1894|author=John Muir|title=The Mountains of California|chapter=|edition= citation
  • |passage=The ground is littered with fallen trunks that lie crossed and recrossed like storm-lodged wheat; and besides this close forest of pines, the rich moraine soil supports a luxuriant growth of ribbon-leaved grasses--bromus, triticum, calamagrostis, agrostis , etc., which rear their handsome spikes and panicles above your waist. }} ----