NDN - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'NDN'English
( -)
(lb) Native American; Indian.
* 2007 , Gkisedtanamoogk, quoted by Sarah King in Fishing in Contested Waters: Place & Community in Burnt Church/Esgenoôpetitj :
- Like much of the english(SIC) language usage in NDN' Country, the way and understanding of this usage [of the term "rights"] is quite a bit different than the standard mainstream [understanding], because the usage for ' NDN People is culturally based.
* Monique Poirier, Musing about Native Steampunk'', quoted by Ann VanderMeer, ''Steampunk Revolution , page 401:
- NDN' technologies have historically tended to be green and sustainable—not because '''NDN''' folks are ''magically spiritually attached to Mother Earth'' but because ' NDN cultures tend to value foresight and cycles, considering generational consequences of technological adoption and understanding of systems over flat utilization of resources.