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Definition of 'moss'Noun
Any of various small, green, seedless plants growing on the ground or on the surfaces of trees, stones, etc.; now specifically, a plant of the division Bryophyta (formerly ).
(countable) A kind or species of such plants.
(informal) Any alga, lichen, bryophyte, or other plant of seemingly simple structure.
- Spanish moss'''; Irish '''moss'''; club '''moss .
A bog; a fen.
- the mosses of the Scottish border
Usage notes
* The plural form mosses'' is used when more than one kind of moss is meant. The singular ''moss is used referring to a collection of moss plants of the same kind.
* (simple plant) alga, cryptogam, lichen
* (Bryophyta) bryophyte
Derived terms
* ( Tillandsia usneoides )
* (Bryozoa)
* ( Bartramia spp. )
* a rolling stone gathers no moss
* et al)
* black moss ( Tillandsia usneoides )
* bog moss
* )
* carrageen moss ( Chondrus crispus )
* )
* )
* )
* club moss, club-moss, ( club-foot moss) (Lycopodiaceae)
* )
* )
* )
* enmoss
* )
* ( Tillandsia usneoides )
* )
* )
* head moss
* )
* )
* Iceland moss ()
* idle-moss
* Irish moss ( Chondrus crispus )
* )
( rel-mid4)
* ( Tillandsia usneoides )
* )
* moss-agate
* moss animal, (Bryozoa)
* moss-back, mossback
* moss-backed, mossbacked, mossy-backed
* moss-bag
* moss-bank
* moss-basket
* moss-bass
* )
* moss-berry, ( Vaccinium oxycoccos )
* (Botaurinae)
* moss-box
* )
* moss-carder, )
* )
* spp. )
* (Bryozoa)
* )
* )
* moss-earth
* mossed
* mosser
* mossery
( rel-mid4)
* moss-fiber, moss-fibre
* moss-flow
* moss frog (Rhacophoridae)
* mossful
* moss-gold ()
* moss green
* moss-grown, mossgrown
* moss-hag, moss-hagg
* moss-hagger
* moss-head
* moss-house
* mossify
* mossland
* mossless
* moss-litter
* )
* moss-oak
* moss opal
* moss-peat
* )
* mossplant
* (Bryozoa)
* moss-rake
* moss-reeve
* )
* )
( rel-mid4)
* moss-seat
* moss-starch
* moss stitch
* moss-tenant
* moss-trooper
* mosstroopery
* moss-trooping
* moss-whin ()
* )
* moss-wood
* moss-work
* mossy
* oak moss
* pearl moss ( Chondrus crispus )
* peat-moss
* )
* reindeer moss ()
* )
* ''spp. )
* snake moss ()
* Spanish moss ( Tillandsia usneoides )
* spike moss (Selaginellaceae)
* )
* tree-moss
* unmossed
* white moss
( rel-bottom)
To become covered with moss.
- An oak whose boughs were mossed with age.
To cover (something) with moss.
See also
* muscoid
* A New English dictionary on historical principles , Volume 6, Sir James Augustus Henry Murray, Sir William Alexander Craigie, Charles Talbut Onions, editors, Clarendon Press, 1908, pages 684-6
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