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wherret - What does it mean?

Definition of 'wherret'


Alternative forms

* whirrit


  • *, II.31:
  • *:I would rather perswade a man, though somewhat out of season, to give his boy a wherret on the eare, than to dissemble this wise, sterne or severe countenance, to vex and fret his minde.
  • Verb

  • (obsolete) To hurry; to trouble; to tease.
  • * Bickerstaff, Love in a Village (act 1, scene 5)
  • Find some other road; can't you; and don't keep wherreting me with your nonsense.
  • (obsolete) To box (somebody) on the ear; to strike on the ear.
  • to wherret a child

    Similar to 'wherret'

    whereat, whereout, worrit