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siskin - What does it mean?

Definition of 'siskin'




  • A small green and yellow European finch, or Carduelis spinus'', now often ''Spinus spinus .
  • *2001 , (Anthea Bell), translating WG Sebald, Austerlitz , Penguin 2011, p. 2:
  • *:I sat there on a bench in dappled shade, beside an aviary full of brightly feathered finches and siskins fluttering about.
  • *{{quote-magazine|date=2013-01
  • |author=Paul Bartell, Ashli Moore |title=Avian Migration: The Ultimate Red-Eye Flight |volume=101|issue=1|page=47–48 |magazine= citation |passage=Many of these classic methods are still used, with some modern improvements. For example, with the aid of special microphones and automated sound detection software, ornithologists recently reported […] that pine siskins (Spinus pinus ) undergo an irregular, nomadic type of nocturnal migration.}}
  • Any of various similar birds in the genera Carduelis'' and ''Serinus .
  • Synonyms

    * (Spinus spinus) aberdevine,

    See also

    * (Carduelis) * (Serinus)

    See also

    * serin