piles - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'piles'English
( head) plural
- Piles were sunk into the river to support the bridge.
(pathology) Haemorrhoids.
- Many women get piles when pregnant.
(informal|piles of) A large amount of.
- He must earn piles of money.
* (informal: a large amount of ): heaps of, loads of, mountains of, shedloads of, tons of
Similar to 'piles'pileus, pools, palus, plus, polis, pels, plays, poles, pullus, pails, pawls, poleis, pills, plies, pulls, polls, pales, pals, plugs, plows, peals, peels, pules, pulas, placks, pilus, pleas, pols, plucks, palls, phials, pollis, playas, polos, ploys, polys, phals, plews, phalls, pilaus, pulks, pilaws, pulis, pells, pholas, plygs, phyles, pilwes, pilous, peeles, plaas, pligs, pauls, pallus, phaals