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douar - What does it mean?

Definition of 'douar'


Alternative forms

* duar


  • A camp or village of tents in an Arabic country.
  • *1977 , (Alistair Horne), A Savage War of Peace , New York Review Books 2006, p. 34:
  • *:he communicated by telephone instead of riding out by horseback, as in the good old days, to stay overnight in the various douars .
  • *1988 , (Robert Irwin), The Mysteries of Algiers , Dedalus 1993, p. 16:
  • *:‘We burn their douars , we rape their women, we confiscate their crops, we carry out the necessary exemplary executions and we round up those who are left into what I can only call concentrations camps.’
  • ----

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