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dogcart - What does it mean?

Definition of 'dogcart'


Alternative forms

* dog cart * dog-cart


  • A cart drawn by a dog.
  • A two wheeled horse-drawn carriage with two transverse seats back to back. The rear seat originally closed up to form a box for carrying dogs.
  • * 1903
  • At the same instant an empty dog-cart , the horse cantering, the reins trailing, appeared round the curve of the road and rattled swiftly towards us.
  • * {{quote-book
  • |year = 1967 |first = Barbara |last = Sleigh |authorlink = Barbara Sleigh |title = (Jessamy) |edition = 1993 |location = Sevenoaks, Kent |publisher=Bloomsbury |isbn = 0 340 19547 9 |page = 57 |url = |passage = While Kitto chatted to William, Jessamy looked with interest at the dog cart . It had a pair of high wooden wheels with two seats back to back above. Between the shafts the bay mare tossed her head and fidgeted on the cobbles. }}

