Scooby - What does it mean?
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Definition of 'Scooby'English
Alternative forms
* scooby
Proper noun
( en-proper noun)
Scooby-Doo, a fictional cowardly anthropomorphic dog in a children's cartoon; used to make phrases bringing to mind aspects of that cartoon.
Derived terms
* Scooby gang
* Scooby snacks
(Cockney rhyming slang) Clue.
* {{quote-book
| year = 2002
| title = Outlaws
| first = Kevin
| last = Sampson
| isbn = 9780099422235
| page = 193
| passage = I haven't got a fucking Scooby what I'm talking about here.
* {{quote-book
| year = 2014
| title = Journeymen
| first = Mark
| last = Turley
| isbn = 9781909626942
| passage = You get the average pisshead in a pub sitting around saying "I can do that" but they've got no idea. Not a Scooby .